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We make this everyday ...and offen more:

ü The creation of a subsidiary or a new independent structure ?
ü The creation of a holding Switzerland or Luxemburg for example ?
üDo you already have an Offshore, but you suppliers and/or your customers are in europe? (Don't lose the VAT value anymore!!!)
ü Do you looking for an address in order to give more spreading or presence to your present organization?
üDo you looking for a telephonic solution in Switzerland or in Asia ?
üDo you wish to receive in Switzerland or dye your faxes of it? (redirection by PDF on your email account)
üDo you wish to receive or to mail your documents of Switzerland or China?

üWould you like to least cost to take advantage of a secretariat service in Switzerland, or in Asia, telephonic answer, fax,...)?
üDo you have your society and wish to open a banking account in Switzerland?
üDo you have LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY type or its, did you know that you can help ourselves to open a Swiss banking account legally without the authorities of your country can do the least seizure over? Knowing that the expenses banking Switzerland is raised rather little (total Control of the account from afar by internet)?
üYou are active in the E-Business ; do you know that you can propose ourselves an E-business KIT?
Will this last allow you to make you purchases in europe and to sell also in europe without mechanics of VAT in all legality?
üOur structure, without any constraint of VAD contract, and in less than 2 hours, dish also to your disposition the hose allowing you to achieve your roadbeds by internet, or by telephone, and this with the system the more secured in place currently in the world (Valid also for the offshore structures).

üDo you wish to individual title to open a banking account in Switzerland (Follow-up by complete Internet)?
üWould you like to have a banking card in Switzerland?
üDo you wish to do financial investments CLEAN of tax to high output?
üDo you wish to become Switzerland resident?
üDo you wish to get a foreign driver's license?
üAid for the research of a big banking partner (under some strict conditions, between other to draw the origin of funds,...).
üFor the tradesmen, we can place at your disposal a terminal of roadbed of cards of credits international


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